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Programmatic Video vs YouTube Ads

Video can be a great and engaging way for customers to learn about a business and get a visual representation of the products or services offered. It can be a very powerful marketing tool with multiple options for ad placements, two of which are Programmatic Video and YouTube Advertising! Both are great options when they are used in the right context.

What is Programmatic Video Advertising?

Programmatic video ads show up on a wide range of websites across the internet. They can appear before, during, or after video content on websites.

Example: You are on a local news site watching a highlight clip from your favorite hockey team’s latest game. Halfway through you get a video for a local sporting goods store. This is a programmatic video ad!

What is YouTube Advertising?

YouTube ads are video ads that play on YouTube as well as on websites or apps that are Google Video Partners. In more detail, they can play before, during, or after YouTube videos. These videos can range from just 6 seconds all the way up to full commercials that are 1-3 minutes long.

Example: You are on YouTube looking at a cooking video to learn a new recipe. You go click on a video and before you can watch it a 15 sec video ad for your local grocery store that now offers pickup orders plays. This is a YouTube ad!

Benefits To Both

  • Video aspect: Video is engaging and a great way for customers to learn about a business and their products or services.
  • Targeting: Ads can be served to people in certain geographic locations, with certain interests, or who are performing certain searches online.
  • Brand Awareness: Videos can be a great way to reach a large audience to get your brand in front of them and increase brand awareness.

Who is a Good Fit for Each?

While Programmatic Video and YouTube ads are both great options for advertising a business, there are certain clients, industries, and scenarios where one might be a better option than the other.

One requirement of YouTube advertising is the client needs to have a YouTube channel as all video ads need to be hosted on YouTube. While these are fairly easy to create, and free, it can be a factor if a business is not on YouTube. YouTube ads can be great for clients in the auto industry, home services, or a business looking to target a younger demographic. YouTube also does have a lower CPM (cost per thousand ad impressions) than programmatic video.

Programmatic Video on the other hand does not have any requirements for clients being on certain platforms. While these ads do come in at a higher CPM, they do offer some different targeting options than YouTube ads. Programmatic video ads can be served to audiences searching for specific terms, interested in specific topics, and even as retargeting ads, serving to people who have visited specific websites.

Both YouTube and Programmatic Video ads can be a great brand awareness tool for businesses to get their message out to potential customers. Contact our team today to help get you started on video advertising!


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